With Love From Leydi is a nonprofit organization founded in 2018 by Patricia Perdomo Rueda and Kelly Perdomo shortly after the loss of their beloved child and sister to cancer. The organization was created in memory of Leydi Patricia Perdomo (1992 – 2018)
To provide assistance for children fighting cancer in developing countries.
Helping kids with cancer and their families with financial and emotional support.
Just by the sound of her name love is spread everywhere; a name that has left a mark wherever it has been spoken, even when some couldn’t even pronounce it. Lydi/Lidia, … Leidy …/ as some pronounced it, is pronounced like the word LADY.
She inspired many people, everyone enjoyed her company, her pleasant talks, & her beautiful smile. She might of left us, but she sowed so much love that theres not enough people to reap the crops. Therefore, with this foundation we will continue to cultivate it, giving love and sowing more of her love until we can cover the whole face of the earth with it.
Leydi lost her fight on this earth but before that she won many battles with which she won her immortality in this world. She will always be here to give you her unconditional support.
Solamente con pronunciar tu nombre ya se siente mucho amor; un nombre que ha dejado huella por donde quiera que ha pasado aunque algunos ni siquiera hayan sabido pronunciarlo.
Inspiraste a muchas personas, todos disfrutaban de tu compañía, de tus charlas tan amenas, de tu hermosa sonrisa… te has ido pero sembraste tanto amor que se necesitan demasiadas personas para poder recogerlo, es por esto que con esta fundación seguiremos cultivándolo, dando cariño y sembrando más de tu amor hasta que podamos cubrir con él toda la faz de la tierra.
Leydi perdió la guerra en esta tierra pero antes de eso ganó muchas batallas con las que ganó su inmortalidad en este mundo. Ella siempre estará ahí para darles su apoyo incondicional.